
CrossFit OwnIt – OwnIt at Home


Metcon (Time)

Friday wod:


2 min cardio

PT / LS / GM

Iron cross + scorpion

3 rounds of:

30 sec jump rope, alternating with high knees

30 sec OHS with PVC

30 sec Downward dog

5 rounds for quality:

3 Wall walks

(scale: 1/2-way up or inchworm)

6 Pistols

(scale: to box or assisted)

(scale up: add weight)


Metcon (Time)


5 rounds for time:

12 Deadlift

9 Hang Power Clean

6 Shoulder-to-Overhead

Use a barbell, dumbbells, sandbag, backpack, or any odd object you have. You can also do a 1-arm version with 6R/6L DL, 5R/5L HPC, 3L/3R STO. Rx “DT” weights are 155 / 105 lbs. Use a weight you could do a full round with unbroken.

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