CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit
OwnIt Warm Up (No Measure)
400 m run
10 PT
10 leg swing each side
10 Good Mornings
3 inch worms (no push up)
SS (1 min each leg)
4 pull ups
8 push ups
12 air squats
Big Clean Complex
6 rounds of (increase in weight each complex)
Athlete should attempt to perform all 12 movements without putting bar down (if athlete must break; break after OH movement and quickly reset )
1 high hang clean + 1 hang clean + 1 clean + 1 push press
1 high hang clean + 1 hang clean + 1 clean + 1 push jerk
1 high hang clean + 1 hang clean + 1 clean + 1 split jerk
Shoulder Press (5×5 @ 60 %)
Strict Shoulder Press