CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit
OwnIt Warm Up (No Measure)
400 m run
10 PT
10 leg swing each side
10 Good Mornings
3 inch worms (no push up)
SS (1 min each leg)
4 pull ups
8 push ups
12 air squats
Back Squat (3×8 AHAP)
Overhead Squat (5×1 Pausing OHS (10 seconds) @ 100% snatch max)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
5 rounds of:
21 Push Ups
ME UB Pull Ups
*rest exactly 3 minutes between rounds
RX + wear a weighted vest if you have one. Score is total number of pull ups. Limit rest between push ups and pull ups to no more then 20 seconds