
CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit


OwnIt Warm Up (No Measure)

400 m run

10 PT

10 leg swing each side

10 Good Mornings

3 inch worms (no push up)

SS (1 min each leg)


4 pull ups

8 push ups

12 air squats


Metcon (Time)

Thanksgiving with the Girls

10 am WOD ONLY

(Partner WOD)

Angie’s House

20 pull ups

20 push ups

20 sit ups

20 air squats

Helen’s House

400 m run (together)

40 KBS (53/25)

40 Pull Ups

Fran’s House

21 Thrusters (95/65)

21 Pull Ups

Nancy’s House

400 m run (together(

30 OHS (95/65)

Grace/Isabel’s House

40 GTO (95/65)

Kelly’s House

400 m run (together)

40 Box Jump (24/20)

40 WBS (20/14) (must be over the rig to partner)

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