CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit
Week 1
2 rounds for quality:
20 sec Hollow hold (scale: knees bent)
20 sec Arch hold
10 Kipping swings, feet together
5 LSit pulses (scale: one-leg at a time)
5 Strict and slow knee raises (scale: lying knee raises or tuck up)
3 sets (5 min time limit)
Scaled: 5-10 Kipping knee raises
Intermediate: 5-10 Kipping toes to rings
Rx: 5-10 TTB without losing rhythm (no extra swings between TTB)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Tabata style
10 rounds at each before moving on to next movement
20 seconds on/10 seconds off
Cal Bike
Single DB FR lunge (50/35)
Cal Row
Push Ups
Single DB Goblet squat (50/35)