
CrossFit OwnIt – OwnIt at Home


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Tuesday wod:


2 min cardio

PT / LS / GM

Sampson stretch / Downward dog

2 rounds of:

10 RDL

10 Reverse lunge (unweighted)

30 sec singles (rd 1) / doubles (rd 2)

4 rounds


20 Power Clean

20 Weighted Reverse Lunges, alt

AMRAP double-unders in time remaining

Rest 2 minutes between AMRAPs

Score is total number of DU completed. If you don’t have DU, try to get your first one! Or sub 2x singles or line jumps.

Use the same weight or odd object for the cleans and reverse lunges. You should be able to get through each movement unbroken.

End with a calf stretch.

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