
CrossFit OwnIt – OwnIt at Home


Metcon (Time)

Wednesday wod:


2 min cardio

PT / LS / GM

Shoulder opener stretch

3 rounds of:

30 sec jump rope, alternating feet

30 sec OHS with PVC

30 sec Downward dog


5 rounds for time:

400 meter run

15 Overhead squats

If you don’t have a barbell use a PVC or dowel or anything you have! You can also sub 1-arm OH squats (8 each arm). Rx Nancy weight is 95 / 65 lb. Use a weight where you can do at least one round unbroken.


Metcon (Time)

Then, 8 rounds of:

15 sec Hollow hold

(scale: 1-leg or tuck)

15 sec Rest

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