CrossFit – Wed, Sep 11

CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit

Metcon CrossFit track

Metcon (Time)

9/11 Team Workout (30 minute time cap)

343 calorie row/bike

Partner 1-

Max calorie row/bike

Partner 2-

9 rounds (EACH partner. you go I go rounds)

11 thrusters (75/55)

23 DU or 37 single unders

*if you and your partner finish your TOTAL of 18 rounds (9 rounds each) and there is time remaining, you will spend the rest of the time on the machine you go I go style.

The workout concludes when 343 calories have been accumulated or at the 30 minute cap

This workout is in memory of all the fallen firefighters and paramedics who responded to the 9/11 attacks on September 11, 2001.

Significance of reps:

– 343 Number of firefighters and paramedics who died

-9 September

-11 The day in September

-23 Number of NYC police officers who died

-37 Number of Port Authority police officers


Metcon (Time)

Run club at 4:30pm

E5MOM x 5

600m run
