
CrossFit OwnIt – OwnIt at Home


Metcon (Time)

Wednesday wod:


2 min cardio

PT / LS / GM

Bottom of the squat

2 rounds of:

10 Ring or towel rows, pause at top

10 Bench dips, pause at bottom

10 Air squats, pause at bottom

Nasty Girls

3 rounds for time:

50 Air squats

7 Ring Muscle-ups*

10 Hang power clean

*Muscle-up subs and scaling:

1 MU = 1 strict pull-up + 1 ring dip

1 MU = 1 strcit pull-up + 1 HSPU

1 MU = 2 pull-ups + 2 push-ups

1 MU = 3 rows + 3 bench dips

1 MU = 1 bar muscle-up

You can group the scaling together or break it up, for example 7 strict pull-ups, then 7 HSPU OR alternate each rep.

Hang power cleans can be with a bar, dumbbells, or any odd object. Go moderately heavy if you can. Nasty Girl Rx weight is 135 / 95 lb.

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