CrossFit – Wed, Aug 16

CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit


Rope Climb

Week 5

1 round:

30 second hang from pull-up bar with strict knee raises

20 second hang from rope (scale up: strict pull-ups on rope)

5 Rope ground-to-stands

5 Box drill – ā€œSā€ or ā€œJā€ method + stand

Then, 10 minute practice:

Hang from rope + strict knee raise + footwork (S or J) *focus on getting feet as high as possible

Rx: Work on getting up the rope in as few pulls as possible

Scaling options: hang rope over pull-up bar and hang from bar while working on footwork

*work on any previous progressions if people need more work on grip strength or footwork


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

20 minute Alt EMOM

13/11 calorie bike

5 burpee pull ups/ring rows

13/11 calorie row

1-2 rope climbs or 3-4 rope to stand


Metcon (Time)

Run club at 4:30pm

400 m warm up


5x300m run @ projected 800 m pace

Directly into

10×200 m sprint

400 cooldown

*increase pace each round on 200s

Progressive efforts