CrossFit – Wed, Aug 9

CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit


Rope Climb

Week 4

2-3 rounds (15 min):

5-10 Rope strict knee raises / knees to armpit / knees to elbows (scale to hang only from rope or pull-up bar)

5-10 Rope strict pull-ups (scale to 5 ground-to-stands with rope)

5 Box drill – ā€œSā€ or ā€œJā€ method + stand (Rx: do footwork from standing and get as high as possible in ONE pull)

*people comfortable with footwork should do these without looking at feet; make sure all weight is held by feet and not by the arms


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

20 minute ALT EMOM

13/11 calorie bike

3-7 elevated feet ring rows

13/11 calorie row

1-2 rope climbs or 3-4 lay to stand rope climb


Metcon (Time)

run club @ 4:30 pm

300m warm up run/ downward dog. Stretch Achilles and hamstrings well.

8 rounds

300m run

2 minutes rest

*these should be hard efforts. Don’t be afraid to fall off pace today. Not progressive.

300m cool down run