CrossFit – Wed, Jul 19

CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit


Rope Climb

Week 1

2-3 rounds (15 min):

20 sec Hang from pull-up bar – supinated grip (palms face towards you)

20 sec Hang from pull-up bar – pronated grip (palms facing away)

5 Rope ground to stand – bent knees (scaled) / straight legs

3 Box drill – ā€œSā€ method + stand

3 Box drill – ā€œJā€ method + stand

*Focus on locking the rope in place with the feet on the box drills


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

24 minute Alt EMOM

13/11 calorie bike

1-2 rope climbs or lay to stand rope pull up (3-4 reps)

13/11 calorie row

6-12 T2B


Metcon (Time)

Run club at 4:30pm

300m warm up run

4 sets (progressive efforts for total time each set)

400m run

rest 1 minute

800m run

rest 2 minutes

300m cool down run