Daily WOD

CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit weightlifting Power Snatch (12 minute EMOM 1 snatch pull + 1 power snatch @ 75% ) weightlifting Behind the neck snatch grip strict press (5 sets x 4 reps (moderate weight) ) Metcon Metcon (Time) 3 rounds 10 strict T2B/leg lifts/knee raises 12 single leg KB RDL (each leg) 14 plank KB pull through (7 each side)
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CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit weightlifting Power Snatch (12 minute EMOM 1 snatch pull + 1 power snatch @ 75% ) weightlifting Behind the neck snatch grip strict press (5 sets x 4 reps (moderate weight) ) Metcon Metcon (Time) 3 rounds 10 strict T2B/leg lifts/knee raises 12 single leg KB RDL (each leg) 14 plank KB pull through (7 each side)
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CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit weightlifting Power Snatch (12 minute EMOM 1 snatch pull + 1 power snatch @ 75% ) weightlifting Behind the neck snatch grip strict press (5 sets x 4 reps (moderate weight) ) Metcon Metcon (Time) 3 rounds 10 strict T2B/leg lifts/knee raises 12 single leg KB RDL (each leg) 14 plank KB pull through (7 each side)
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CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (Time) For time (partner) 5 rounds 50 DU (each partner) (75 single unders each partner) 100m DB farmers carry (50/35) (each partner, you go I go style) 20 hang power cleans (135/95) 20 HSPU (HRPU) *while partner is doing farmers carry, other partner holds a plank, then switch
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CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (Time) For time (partner) 5 rounds 50 DU (each partner) (75 single unders each partner) 100m DB farmers carry (50/35) (each partner, you go I go style) 20 hang power cleans (135/95) 20 HSPU (HRPU) *while partner is doing farmers carry, other partner holds a plank, then switch
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