Daily WOD

CrossFit OwnIt – OwnIt at Home Metcon Metcon (Time) Tuesday: Warm-up 2 min cardio PT / LS / GM Shoulder opener 3 rounds of: 30 sec Shoulder Press with PVC 30 sec Front Squat with PVC 30 sec Superman hold 30-20-10 reps for time: Thrusters Ring or Towel Rows Metcon Metcon (Time) Then, 10 rounds for quality: 10 Glute bridges 10 Deadbugs
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CrossFit OwnIt – OwnIt at Home Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Monday: Warm-up 2 min cardio PT / LS / GM Bottom of the squat 3 rounds of: 30 sec Single-unders 30 sec Air squat 30 sec Plank hold 5 rounds: AMRAP3 3 Strict HSPU (scale: push-ups) 6 Pistols, alt (scale: to box or chair) 9 Lateral jumps (over + back = 1) Rest 1 minute between AMRAPs HSPU can be scaled to regular push-ups or pike push-ups. Lateral jumps can be over any object. Ideally it would be about 6 inches tall. Finish with 2 min calf stretch. Compare to March 31st
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CrossFit OwnIt – OwnIt at Home Metcon Metcon (Weight) Sunday wod: Warm-up 2 min cardio PT / LS / GM Sampson Stretch Wrist Stretches Elbow rotations (bar on back) 10 Pause Front Squat with PVC 10 sets of the Clean Complex: 1 Deadlift 1 Hang Power Clean 1 Hang Clean 1 Front Squat Start with an empty bar. If you have weights, add incrementally each round as long as your are able to maintain good technique. If you do not have a bar, use a PVC or broomstick. Metcon Metcon (Time) 3 rounds of: 10 L / 10 R Turkish Sit-ups 10 L / 10 R 1-arm Bent-over row 30 sec R / 30 sec L 1-arm Farmer’s Carry Use any weight you can hold for farmer’s carry: DB, KB, plate, backpack, etc. Try to find something moderately heavy.
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CrossFit OwnIt – OwnIt at Home Metcon Metcon (Time) Saturday wod: Warm-up 2 min cardio PT / LS / GM Downward dog / Bottom of the squat 1 round of: 10 Penguin jumps (single tap) 10 Penguin jumps (double tap) 30 sec Single-unders 30 sec Left leg Singles 30 sec Right leg Singles 30 sec Alt leg Single-unders 30 sec DU progression (s-s-d, s-d, d-d) 3 attempts: Max Double-unders (scale: 2 min DU attempts) For time: Run 1 mile Then, 20-19-18-…3-2-1 Push-ups 1-2-3-…18-19-20 Air Squats Each round adds up to 21. For example the first round is 20 push-ups + 1 squat. To scale: Start at 15-1 and go to 1-15, so each round adds up to 16. Finish with foam rolling and/or stretching.
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CrossFit OwnIt – OwnIt at Home Metcon Metcon (Time) Friday wod: Warm-up 2 min cardio PT / LS / GM Mobility of choice 2 rounds: 100m run 5 inchworm + push-up 10 jumping squats For total time (these should be sprints!): 3 rounds of: 100m shuttle sprint 3 Burpee complex Rest 2 minutes 3 rounds of: 100m shuttle sprint 2 Burpee complex Rest 2 minutes 3 rounds of: 50m shuttle sprint 1 Burpee complex Burpee complex: 2 no-push-up burpess with vertical jump + 1 regular burpee with tuck jump. Focus on jumping as high as possible on all jumps. Shuttle sprint: Mark off a distance of 25m (about 30-35 walking paces). Run down and back twice for 100m. Run down and back once for 50m. Make these sprints! Metcon Metcon (Time) Then, 3 rounds of: 5 L-sit hurdles with each leg L-sit (time equal to 60% of max)
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