Daily WOD

Partner MetCon: 5 Min AMRAP 400 m run ME HPC (135/95) 5 Min AMRAP 400 m run ME WB (20/14) 5 Min AMRAP 400 m run ME Burpees 5 Min AMRAP 400 m run ME K2E/knee raises 5 Min AMRAP 400 m run ME DU/SU (3:1) * Each partner will run once, work once in each AMRAP- rest remainder of 5 minutes. Count total reps 🙂
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MetCon: 15.5 http://crossfit.com
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Strength: (14 minutes) 1.) Strict Pull ups- 1 X ME (sx barbell assisted pull up) 2.) C2B- 1 x ME (sx ring rows) 3.) Butterfly- 1 x ME (sx banded) *1 set at max effort at each movement. Rest as needed between movements. Count total reps MetCon: Partner WOD (for time) Buy in: 800 m Run (400 each- run together) 10-1 Back Squat (135/95) Box jump (24/20) Cash out: 80 bar facing burpees (divide reps as needed) *For 10-1: Each partner must complete all back squats and all box jumps. One partner will complete 10 back squats while the other completes 10 box jumps. Then switch.. Then 9..8…7….6…..1
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STRENGTH: (20 minutes) Snatch Technique 1 power position- power snatch + 1 power position- full snatch @ 65% of 1RM snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 MetCon: 12 min AMRAP 5 ring dips 15 air squats 30 ab mat sit ups
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STRENGTH: (15 min) OHS 3×3 @ 90% MetCon 1: 5 Min EMOM 20 KBS (53/35) (sx 15 KBS) @ min 10 MetCon 2: 3 RFT 16 Front Squats (115/75) 32 DU/64 SU
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