Daily WOD

STRENGTH: (17 minutes) Push Press 4×3 @ 90% MetCon: 11 minute AMRAP 21-15-9 GTO (95/115/135;65/75/95) increasing load Box Jumps (24/20) K2E *AMRAP GTO (155/115) with remainder of time        
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STRENGTH/SKILL: 50 Strict HSPU MetCon: 10-8-6-4-2-4-6-8-10 Power Cleans (115/75) 20 DU/40 SU between each round  
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STRENGTH: (12 minutes) Back Squats -e3mom 4×3 @90% MetCon: 3 RFT 20 kb Thrusters (35/18) 15 DL (225/155) 5 bar muscle ups/10 c2b/15 pull ups 400 m run        
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Partner MetCon:FOR TIME   100 Partner WB-alt (20/14)   10RFT-partner tag in each round 10 hang power snatch (75/55) 20 lateral over the bar jumps   100 Partner WB-alt (20/14)
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Skill Development: (12 minutes) C & J T2B Burpee efficiency MetCon: *with a running clock complete Open WOD 13.4 7 Min AMRAP 3-6-9-12-15-18.. Etc of: C & J (135/95) T2B @ 10 minutes Open WOD 12.1 7 min AMRAP Burpees          
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