Daily WOD

STRENGTH: (20 minutes) Push Jerk 4×2 @ 90% Split Jerk from back rack 4 x 1 @ same weight as above (technique) MetCon: 3RFT 15 Front Squat (95/65) 15 Push Press (95/65) 15 C2b        
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Skill: 15 minute to work on: T2B, K2E, HSPU, MU,  or progression MetCon: TABATA Goblet Squats (53/35) Row for Cal K2E Power Cleans (135/95)            
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STRENGTH: (22 minutes) Back Squats 4×2 @ 90% 1xME @ 80 % MetCon: (For Time) 21-15-9 DL (225/155) Ring Dips      
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STRENGTH: (20 MINUTES) SNATCH 2-2-2-2-2-2 @ 80% MetCon: 4 Min AMRAP  15 Thrusters (75/55) 30 DU/60 SU *Rest 1 Minute 3 Min AMRAP 10 Thrusters (95/65) 30 DU/60 SU * Rest 1 Minute 2 Min AMRAP 5 Thrusters (115/75) 30 DU/60SU
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 12 Days Of CrossFit: For Time (Don’t forget to wear your Christmas Gear) 1 Rope Climb/1 wall walk 2 Pull Ups/Ring Rows 3 HSPU 4 Lateral over the bar burpees 5 Front Squat (135/95) 6 Push Jerk (135/95) 7 T2B 8 KBS (53/35) 9 Box Jumps 10 KB Snatch-alt (53/35) 11 Tire Flips 12 OH Lunge/Back Rack Lunge (135/95) *Complete this workout as if you are going through the ’12 Days of Christmas Song.’ Start with one Rope Climb, then do 2 Pull Ups and one rope climb, then do 3 HSPU + 2 Pull Ups + 1 Rope Climb etc..
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