Daily WOD

STRENGTH: (26 MINUTES) STRICT PULL UPS 7X5 BARBELL ROWS 5X5 SLED HIGH PULLS 3X1 MetCon: For Time: 20 STO (135/95) 200 m run 10 STO (135/95) 300 m run 5 STO (135/95) 400 m run
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Warm Up: Row + Sled Drag Relay MetCon: Partner WOD 5 Min Max Effort WB -2 Min Rest 4 Min Max Effort K2E -1 Min Rest 3 Min Max Effort Hang Power Snatch (95/65) -1 Min Rest 4 Min Max Effort HRPU -2 Min Rest 5 Min Max Effort Back Squat (95/65)
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SKILL/STRENGTH: (20 MINUTES ) Rope Climbs (10)/Legless Rope Climbs (7)/Wall Walks (20) MetCon: 4 Min AMRAP 5 DL (225/155) 30 DU *Rest 5 Minutes (change weight) 4 Min Cut Off 30 Cal Row AMRAP GTO (135/95)      
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STRENGTH: Strict Press (20 minutes to establish 3RM) MetCon: 3RFT 21 KBS (70/53) 12 C2B 200 m run with bumper (45/25)
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STRENGTH: Back Squat (30 Minutes to Complete) 6 x 6 @ 80% across MetCon: For Time 9-6-3-6-9 Front Squats (155/115) Burpee Over the Box – Box Jumps (24/20) *400 m sprint at end of WOD
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