Daily WOD

STRENGTH: (18 minutes) OHS 5×3 @ 80% MetCon: Partner tag in- AMRAP 16 Minutes 8 KBS (53/35) 4 Over the Box-Box Jump *switch each round- count total number of rounds + reps
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MetCon: Clean Eating Challenge Benchmark WOD 15 MIN AMRAP 1000 m row 30 WB (20/14/10) 20 Target burpees (45lb bumper) 10 Bear Complex (75/55;45/33) 20 Target burpees (45lb bumper) 30 WB (20/14/10) AMRAP w/ remainder of time GTO (75/55;45/33)
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Skill/STRENGTH: (15 minutes) Rope Climbs MetCon: Tabata (rest 1 minute between exercises) Thruster (45/33) KB SDHP (53/35) Box Jump (24/20) Push up Row
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Open WOD 15.1 http://crossfit.com
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STRENGTH: (18 minutes) OHS 6×2 @ 80 % 12×1 MetCon: For Time 5-1 DL (135/95) *30 DU between each round 5-1 DL (185/135) *20 DU between each round 5-1 DL (225/155) *10 DU between each round ***2x for SU
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