
CrossFit OwnIt – OwnIt at Home


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Thursday wod:

15 minutes for quality:

10 Turkish Get-ups, alternating

10 One-arm Overhead Squats, left

10 One-arm Overhead Squats, right

20 Russian twists
Find a weight you can hold in one hand for the TGU and OHS. A DB, KB, weight plate, water jug, or water bottle will work. Technique is more important than weight.


Metcon (Time)

Then, EMOM 8:

8 Thrusters

8 V-ups (scale: tuck-ups)

For Thrusters, use any implement you have: barbell, DBs, KBs, backpack, etc. You can also use a PVC or broomstick. Make sure you have at least 15 seconds of rest at the end of each round.

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