
CrossFit OwnIt – OwnIt at Home


Metcon (Time)

Sunday wod:

Warm-up: Jog / PT / GM / LS

10 PVC Deadlifts

10 PVC Front Squats

10 PVC Shoulder Press

Find a PVC, broom stick or dowel and complete for QUALITY:

Clean Complex

10 rounds:

1 Clean High Pull

1 Hang Power Clean

1 Front Squat

1 Clean

If you have a barbell, you can use it. If you have weights, you can add incrementally after 5 rounds. Keep going as long as you feel good!

Then, go for a 20-minute walk, bike ride, run, or swim. Moderate pace, focus on diaphragmatic breathing.

Finish with 2 minutes of calf stretch.

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