
CrossFit OwnIt – OwnIt at Home


Metcon (Time)

Thursday wod:


2 min cardio

PT / LS / GM

Sampson stretch

10 OHS with PVC

10 OH lunge with PVC

10 Side lunge

3 rounds for quality of:

10 Lateral step-ups, right

10 Lateral step-ups, left

1 min Alternating leg single-unders


Metcon (Time)

EMOM 10 minutes:

20 Double-unders

(scale: 40 SU, or 10 DU attempts)

5 Ground-to-Overhead

Use any weight / odd object you have on ground-to-overhead: dumbbells, plates, weighted backpack, etc.

Alternate version if you have access to a bar and weights:

EMOM 10 minutes:

20 Double-unders

(scale: 40 SU, or 10 DU attempts)

1 Snatch (full squat snatch)

Start around 60% of your max and add a little bit each round. This was a Regional workout from 2012. The starting weights were 155 / 105 lbs.

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