CrossFit – Wed, Mar 29

CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Bully stretch with band, 30 sec / side

Bottom of ring dip stretch (feet on floor), 30 sec

3 rounds for quality:

5 Scapula push-ups (scale: knees or bands)

5 Tricep push-ups (scale: knees or bands)

20 sec Ring support (scale: band, scale up: rings tuned out)

2 Ring dip negatives (scale: band or feet on floor, scale up: rings tuned out)

3 sets of 5-10 reps (5 min time limit)

Scaled: Leg assisted ring dips

Intermediate: Ring dips with band

Rx: Ring dips (scale up: keep rings turned out)


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

3 minute AMRAP

3 power cleans (135/95)

5 push ups

7 pull ups

9 air squats

*rest 1 x 4. Pick up where you left off


Metcon (Time)

Run club at 4:30pm

400 m warm up run

7 x 600 m


400 m cool down run