CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit
OwnIt Warm Up (No Measure)
400 m run
10 PT
10 leg swing each side
10 Good Mornings
3 inch worms (no push up)
SS (1 min each leg)
4 pull ups
8 push ups
12 air squats
Split Jerk (Split Jerk Strict Press (3×3))
split jerk bar overhead, then perform 3 strict presses from the front rack while your feet remain in the split catch. position. NOT for Max Load. Then establish a heavy split jerk for the day.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
5 min EMOM
4-8 strict HSPU
*1 min rest
5 min EMOM
8-12 Burpees
*1 min rest
5 min EMOM
4-8 kipping HSPU
Pick a number that you can manage but is extremely challenging