CrossFit OwnIt – OwnIt at Home
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Friday wod:
2 min cardio
PT / LS / GM
2 rounds (with bar or PVC):
10 Snatch grip deadlift
10 Overhead squat
10 Power Snatch
10 sec Hollow Hold
AMRAP 7 minutes:
V-ups (scacle: tuck-ups)
Ground-to-Overhead can be with any weight or odd object you have. If you can, go heavy!
If you have a pull-up bar or rings, you can do toes-to-bar or toes-to-rings instead of v-ups.
Metcon (Time)
EMOM for 7 minutes:
20 Grasshoppers
Superman hold until :45 seconds
(this means you will have 15 sec rest at the end of each round)