CrossFit OwnIt – OwnIt at Home
Metcon (Time)
Tuesday wod:
2 min cardio
PT / LS / GM
Sampson stretch
2 rounds of:
10 Ring / towel rows
10 L / 10 R 1-arm OHS
10 Lunge steps
Practice lunge variations
1 object: Hang, Shoulder, Overhead
2 object: Hang, Shoulder, Overhead
2 object, varied*: Hang + Shoulder, Hang + OH, Shoulder + OH
*if you have different weights, put heavier object in easier position (Hang < Shoulder < Overhead)
5 rounds of:
20 Steps weighted walking lunge*
10 L / 10 R Bent-over row
*Vary your carry! Experiment with different types of lunges, use different weights, and try odd objects. When using varied arm positions, switch sides after 10 steps.
**Remember: If you have mis-matched weights, place the heavier object on the EASIER side.