CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit weightlifting Front Squat (4 sets x 2 reps @ 75%) Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 20 minute amrap @ recovery pace 200m run 10 calories on a machine 1-2 rope climbs *aim for 5+ rounds Metcon Metcon (Time) Run club at 4:30pm E3MOM x 10 300m run *progressiveRead More
CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit weightlifting Back Squat (5 sets x 5 reps @ 70% ) Metcon The Chief (AMRAP – Rounds) Max rounds in 3 minutes of: 3 Power Cleans, 135#/95# 6 Push-ups 9 Squats Rest 1-minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cyclesRead More
CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (Time) For time (partner) 150 alt DB snatch (50/35) 400m wall ball carry/run (together) 90 alt hang DB clean & jerk (50/35) 400m wall ball carry/run (together) 60 bar MU/C2B/pull upsRead More
CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit weightlifting Front Squat (3 reps @ 80% 2 reps @ 85% 1 rep @ 90% x 3 sets (just last bar) Metcon Metcon (Time) For time 40-30-20-10 WBS (20/14) 10-8-6-4 Clean and jerk (165/115) Metcon Metcon (Time) Run club at 4:30 pm E2MOM X 15 rounds 200m run *progressive MetconRead More