CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit Weightlifting Back Squat (5 sets x 7 reps @ 70% ) Metcon Metcon (Time) 4 rounds for time 400m run 8 devils press (50/35) 4 rope climbs (8 lay to stand) *scale to 2 rope climbs or 1 minute of rope climbs per round)Read More
CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (Time) Partner For time 1 round 300m run (together) 20 deadlifts (115/75) 20 hang power cleans 50 toes to bar 1 round 300m run 20 devils press (50/35) 20 hang power cleans (115/75) 50 C2B 1 round 300m run 20 DB burpee deadlifts (50/35) 20 hang power cleans (115/75)...Read More
CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit Weightlifting Back Squat (Build to a 10RM *warm up in 3s and 4s until it feels hard. Only take 1-2 attempts. Aim for 65-75% ) Metcon Metcon (Time) For time 50 calorie row or bike 50 box jump overs (24/20) 50 wall balls (20/14) 50 shoulder to overhead (95/65)Read More