
STRENGTH: 16 minutes FRONT SQUATS 4×3 @ 90% MetCon: *4 individually timed rounds with exactly 1 minute rest between rounds. Score is your slowest round. 5 over the box-box jumps (30/24) 10 KB Snatch (53/35) 15 pull ups 200 m Sprint      
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Strength: 10x 1 sled high pull + 1 sled drag MetCon: death by….  
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STRENGTH: 18 minutes OHS 4×2 @ 90% MetCon: For Time 7-1 Power Snatch (135/95) 70-10 DU    
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Partner MetCon: 10RFT 12 DL (225/155) 24 WB (20/14) 20 Burpees 14 KB Swings * Split reps evenly between you and your partner. You cannot move to the next movement until all reps are completed. One partner works while the other rests. Burpees may be completed at the same time to accumulate total of 20.
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STRENGTH: Squat Cleans (15 minutes) 4×2 @90 % MetCon: For Time 800 m Run 100 Push Ups 50 Box Jumps 100 Sit Ups 800 m Run
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STRENGTH: (20 minutes) Push Jerk 4×2 @ 90% Split Jerk from back rack 4 x 1 @ same weight as above (technique) MetCon: 3RFT 15 Front Squat (95/65) 15 Push Press (95/65) 15 C2b        
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Skill: 15 minute to work on: T2B, K2E, HSPU, MU,  or progression MetCon: TABATA Goblet Squats (53/35) Row for Cal K2E Power Cleans (135/95)            
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STRENGTH: (22 minutes) Back Squats 4×2 @ 90% 1xME @ 80 % MetCon: (For Time) 21-15-9 DL (225/155) Ring Dips      
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STRENGTH: (20 MINUTES) SNATCH 2-2-2-2-2-2 @ 80% MetCon: 4 Min AMRAP  15 Thrusters (75/55) 30 DU/60 SU *Rest 1 Minute 3 Min AMRAP 10 Thrusters (95/65) 30 DU/60 SU * Rest 1 Minute 2 Min AMRAP 5 Thrusters (115/75) 30 DU/60SU
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 12 Days Of CrossFit: For Time (Don’t forget to wear your Christmas Gear) 1 Rope Climb/1 wall walk 2 Pull Ups/Ring Rows 3 HSPU 4 Lateral over the bar burpees 5 Front Squat (135/95) 6 Push Jerk (135/95) 7 T2B 8 KBS (53/35) 9 Box Jumps 10 KB Snatch-alt (53/35) 11 Tire Flips 12 OH...
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