CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit Metcon Laura (AMRAP – Rounds) With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible in 21 minutes of: 30-cal. row 20 burpees over the rower 10 power cleans ♀ 105 lb. ♂ 155 lb.To learn more about Laura click hereRow or bike Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Recovery track...Read More
CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit Weightlifting Power Snatch (Every 90 seconds x 10 sets 1 power snatch + 1 low hang power snatch + 1 hang power snatch @ 60-70% of power snatch 1RM) Weightlifting Behind the neck snatch grip push press (5×3 @ 70% of 1RM snatch) Metcon Metcon (Time) 3 rounds 15 bent over...Read More