
CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit


Ring Dips (Week 4)

Bully stretch with band, 30 sec / side

Bottom of ring dip stretch (feet on floor), 30 sec

2 rounds for quality:

5 Scapula push-ups (scale: knees or bands)

5 Russian push-ups (scale: knees or bands)

25 sec Ring support (scale: band, scale up: rings tuned out)

2 Ring dip negatives (scale: band or feet on floor, scale up: rings tuned out)


Scaled: 5 Box dips, scale one level harder than two weeks ago (bent knees < straight legs < elevated feet)
Intermediate: 3-5 Pause ring dips with band

Rx: 3-5 Pause ring dips (scale up: keep rings turned out)

* Pause ring dips: pause at the bottom for 2 seconds


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

24 minute alt

:40 seconds work/ :20 seconds rest

Cal Bike

Air squats

100m Run

Sit ups

Cal row

Push ups

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