
CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit



Bully stretch with band, 30 sec / side

Bottom of ring dip stretch (feet on floor), 30 sec

2 rounds for quality:

5 Tricep push-ups (scale: knees or bands)

30 sec Ring support (scale: band, scale up: rings tuned out)

5 pause ring dips (scale: bands or leg-assisted)

5 strict pull-up (scale: from seated)

3 sets (8 min time limit):

*Use false grip

Scaled: 5 ring row to muscle-up transition

Intermediate: 5 reps kneeling muscle-up transition plus jumping ring dip

Rx: 5 kneeling muscle-up transition plus ring dip (catch as low as possible)

*Scale up the transition by raising the height of the rings


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

25 min emom


Cal Row

Lateral burpees over bar

Squat Cleans (115/75)

Cal Bike


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