
CrossFit OwnIt – OwnIt at Home


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Friday wod:

AMRAP 15 minutes:

10 Ring / Towel Rows or Pull-ups

20 Steps Overhead Lunge*

30 Double-Unders

(scale: 2x singles)

Then, accumulate 2 minutes in an L-sit in as few sets as possible.

*Find a weight to hold overhead on lunges. It could be a barbell, dumbell(s) or backpack. If you don’t have weight use a PVC or broomsick. You can hold weight with 1 or 2 arms. If you use 1 arm, switch sides every 10 steps.

If you don’t have a jump rope, do high knees or line jumps instead.

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