Partner WOD 3 min ME Tire Flips Rest 1 minute 3 min ME DU (3:1) Rest 1 minute 3 min ME Cal Row Rest 1 minute 3 min ME Med Ball Sit Ups Rest 1 minute 3 min ME 50 m shuttle sprints *you go I go formatRead More
Brevard Open WOD 15.3 20 min AMRAP 50 WB (20/14) 50 DU 40 over the box box jumps (24/20) 40 T2B 30 C2B 30 bar facing burpees 20 Power Clean (145/100) 20 jerks (145/100) 10 Power Snatch (145/100) 10 Muscle UpRead More
STRENGTH: (20 minutes) Split Jerk 8 x 1 @ 80 % * work on technique/speed under barbell Then.. Hollow Holds- rest as needed between sets 5 x 30 seconds MetCon: For Time 200 m sprint 21 KBS (53/35) 300 m sprint 15 KBS (53/35) 400 m Sprint 9 KBS (53/35) * If you are planning...Read More
*Remember the box will be closed today because we have numerous athletes competing in O-town throw down @ CrossFit 407. Come out and show your support between 8-5 pm. Out of the Box WOD: 20 min EMOM 7 squats 7 push ups 7 sit ups *scale to 5 reps as needed + run across one...Read More