
Skill/Strength: (25 minutes) 2 x 500 m row *rest as needed between 500 m. Document best time 🙂 MetCon: 7 Min AMRAP 1-2-3-4-5….etc DL (225/155) MU/C2B/pull ups/ring rows
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Strength:(15 minutes) Push Jerk 5×4 @ 80% of push press 1RM MetCon: For Time (25 minute cut off) 800 m run 25 Burpee box jumps Rest 1 minute 400 m run 20 burpee box jumps Rest 1 minute 300 m run 15 burpee box jumps Rest 1 minute 200 m run 10 burpee box jumps
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STRENGTH: Front Squat 6×3 @ 80 % MetCon:(For Time) 21-15-9 Squat Clean (135/95) 9-15-21 HSPU
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Skill: Turkish get up MetCon: Parter WOD (divide reps as needed) 30 Minute AMRAP 400 DU/800 SU 200 WB (20/14) 100 Burpee over the box Box Jumps (24/20)
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MetCon: Open WOD 15.2
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Strength: (20 minutes) @ 80 % of 1RM of each lift across Strict Press 3-3-3 Push Press 3-3-3 Push Jerk 3-3-3 MetCon: 5 RFT 300 m run 10 K2E 10 STO (115/75)
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Strength: (20 minutes) clean and jerk complex 1 power clean + 1 hang power clean + 1 split jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1 MetCon:(For Time) 3-6-9-12-15 Front Squat (115/75) Pull Ups
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STRENGTH: (18 minutes) OHS 5×3 @ 80% MetCon: Partner tag in- AMRAP 16 Minutes 8 KBS (53/35) 4 Over the Box-Box Jump *switch each round- count total number of rounds + reps
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MetCon: Clean Eating Challenge Benchmark WOD 15 MIN AMRAP 1000 m row 30 WB (20/14/10) 20 Target burpees (45lb bumper) 10 Bear Complex (75/55;45/33) 20 Target burpees (45lb bumper) 30 WB (20/14/10) AMRAP w/ remainder of time GTO (75/55;45/33)
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Skill/STRENGTH: (15 minutes) Rope Climbs MetCon: Tabata (rest 1 minute between exercises) Thruster (45/33) KB SDHP (53/35) Box Jump (24/20) Push up Row
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