CrossFit OwnIt – OwnIt at Home Metcon Metcon (Time) Friday wod: Warm-up 2 min cardio PT / LS / GM Calf stretch 2 rounds of: 10 Yoga push-up 10 Jumping squats 30 sec plank hold For time: 400 meter run 20 Pistols, alternating (scale: 2x air squats) 400 meter run 20 Turkish Get-ups, alternating 400...Read More
lex Ratcliff has been doing CrossFit at COI for 7 months when started in September 2019. Her favorite movements are any squat variation, but definitely back squats. She also likes lunges and push press. Alex’s least favorite movements are burpees & thrusters. CrossFit pushes and challenges Alex physically and mentally. She also enjoys it as...Read More
Congrats to David for being selected for our February Athlete of the Month. David has been here for 7 months. His favorite movement is strict press. His least favorite movement is thrusters. David says he enjoys CrossFit because it constantly challenges you. He loves CrossFit OwnIt for all of the amazing people! David’s goal for...Read More
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