
STRENGTH: (18 minutes) OHS 6×2 @ 80 % 12×1 MetCon: For Time 5-1 DL (135/95) *30 DU between each round 5-1 DL (185/135) *20 DU between each round 5-1 DL (225/155) *10 DU between each round ***2x for SU
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“Helen” 3RFT 400 m run 21 KBS (53/35) 12 pull ups *stay after class to work on mobility or goat πŸ™‚
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STRENGTH: (18 minutes) Front Squat 6×2 @ 80% 12×1 MetCon: 3 Rounds (one minute rest between rounds) 1 min ME WB (20/14) 1 min ME Burpees 1 min ME box jumps (24/20) *score total reps per round. Try to stay consistent πŸ™‚
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STRENGTH: (22 Minutes) Snatch Complex 1 Power Snatch + 1 Drop Snatch @ 70 % 1-1-1-1 then.. Work up to heavy snatch single 1-1-1-1 MetCon: Death by Clean and Jerk (115/75)
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Strength/Skill: Sled Pull Relay MetCon: Partner WOD (For Time) *split reps as needed. One partner works while the other rests. Runs are completed together. 400m partner run w bumper (45/25) 100 KBS (53/35) 400m run (45/25) 150 air squats 400m run (45/25) 200 ab mat sit ups 400 m run (45/25)      
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STRENGTH: (25 Minutes) Back Squat 4-3-2-1-1-1 MetCon: 3RFT 15 OHS (95/65) 15 Pull Ups
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STRENGTH: (20 minutes to establish complex) clean complex: 1 clean + 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk MetCon: 3 individually timed rounds- rest as needed between rounds 18 cal row 18 push ups 18 box jumps 18 push press (135/95) 18 T2B *score is total time of all 3 rounds
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STRENGTH: (20 minutes) Front Squat 4-3-2-1-1-1 MetCon: 3RFT 15 Power Snatch (95/65) 30 WB (20/14) 45 DU/90 SU    
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STRENGTH: (20 Minutes) DL 4-3-2-1-1-1 MetCon: 12 Minute AMRAP 12 SDHP (95/65) 12 Bar Facing Burpees @15 Minutes 3 Min Max Effort Burpees Score = Rounds + Reps + Β ME Burpees      
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