
STRENGTH: 12 Minutes Even Minute: 7 Strict Pull Ups ODD Minute: 7  Sotts Press (45/33) (bottom of squat- snatch grip) MetCon: For Time: Buy In: 400m R0w 8-6-4-2-4-6-8 Burpee T2B Hang Power Cleans (115/75) Cash Out: 400m Run
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STRENGTH: (26 MINUTES) 5X10 Band Pull Apart (10 Minutes To complete) Press Complex off of racks @ 100% of strict press/80% of Push Press E2MOM 1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk + Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 MetCon: 5RFT 5 Squat Clean Thrusters (115/75) 10 HRPU
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STRENGTH: (24 Minutes) Back Squat 2×2 @ 100% Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3 @ 65% MetCon: Partner WOD 16 Min AMRAP 10 KB Snatch (53/35) 20 DU/20 SU *Alternate Rounds with partner (one partner works while the other rests) Score is total rounds between both partners
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STRENGTH: Snatch Grip DL E2MOM-work to  heavy triple 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 MetCon: 9 Min AMRAP 2-4-6-8-10….etc. C & J (115/75) K2E Burpees
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STRENGTH: Back Squat 6×2 @ 80% MetCon 1: 22-16-8 Pull Up HRPU Front Rack Lunge (115/75) MetCon 2: Row Relay
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STRENGTH: 12 Minutes EMOM @ 85% of PC 1 Power Clean + 1 Front Squat MetCon: 6 RFT 5 Power Snatch (95/65) 5 OHS (95/65) 5 High Box Jumps (30/24)  
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STRENGTH: (20 Minutes to Complete) Back Squat 3×3 @ 90% MetCon: 14 Min AMRAP 50 DU/100 SU 40 WB (20/14) 30 T2B 20 Burpees 10 DL (225/155)
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STRENGTH: (26 MINUTES) STRICT PULL UPS 7X5 BARBELL ROWS 5X5 SLED HIGH PULLS 3X1 MetCon: For Time: 20 STO (135/95) 200 m run 10 STO (135/95) 300 m run 5 STO (135/95) 400 m run
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Warm Up: Row + Sled Drag Relay MetCon: Partner WOD 5 Min Max Effort WB -2 Min Rest 4 Min Max Effort K2E -1 Min Rest 3 Min Max Effort Hang Power Snatch (95/65) -1 Min Rest 4 Min Max Effort HRPU -2 Min Rest 5 Min Max Effort Back Squat (95/65)
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SKILL/STRENGTH: (20 MINUTES ) Rope Climbs (10)/Legless Rope Climbs (7)/Wall Walks (20) MetCon: 4 Min AMRAP 5 DL (225/155) 30 DU *Rest 5 Minutes (change weight) 4 Min Cut Off 30 Cal Row AMRAP GTO (135/95)      
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