
SKILL: KIPPING (PULL UP/T2B/K2E) ROPE CLIMBS MetCon: “Jackie” Relay 1000 meter row 50 Thruster (45/33) 30 Pull Ups
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SKILL:(15 Minutes) Rowing STRENGTH: (10 Minutes) Deadlift @ 70 % EMOM 3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3 MetCon: 7 Min AMRAP 2-4-6-8-10 etc. Hang Power Snatch (95/65) 1 Farmer’s Carry (53/35)
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STRENGTH: (24 minutes to Complete) OHS 3-3-3-3 @ 65% Front Squats 3-3-3-3 @ 65% (5 second pause squat) MetCon: ” 31″ 3 Rounds (1 Min Rest Between Rounds)-(Partner WoD) Box Jumps Jumping Pull Ups KBS (53/35) Walking Lunge T2B Burpee Air Squat DU/SU
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STRENGTH: E2MOM @ 65% (16 Minutes) Clean Complex: Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean (below Knee) + 1 Hang Squat Clean (above knee)= 1 rep 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1 MetCon: For Time C and J (115/75)10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Pull Up                 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10
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STRENGTH:(18 Minutes to Completes) E3MOM Back Squat 6 x 3 @ 80% MetCon: Matt Maguire B-Day WOD FOR TIME 2 Rounds 23 Goblet Box Step Ups ( 53/35) 23 Deadlifts (185/115) *No REST 3 Rounds 23 Wall Balls 23 HRPU
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STRENGTH: 25 Minutes for each athlete to complete 10 sled high pulls + 10 sled drags for load (4 concrete slabs in length- 2 turns and rest) 5×5 strict Press at 65% between sled work MetCon: 12 Min AMRAP 40 DU 20 K2E 10 HSPU  
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STRENGTH: (18 Minutes) E3MOM Back Squat 6X2 @80% across MetCon: 5 RFT 10 Power Cleans (155/105) 300 M run
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STRENGTH: Snatch Complex @60 % of Power Snatch 1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch (12 Min EMOM) 10 Minutes to Complete: 5 X 3 Sotts Press (45/33) + 10 band Pull aparts between each set MetCon: For Time 8 Thrusters (95/65) 1 Bar Facing Burpee 7 Thrusters (95/65) 2 bar Facing Burpees 6...
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Strength: 1 Rep Max Bench Press Or Back Squat 3-2-1-1-1-1 *Find 1RPM for exercise you did NOT complete on Friday MetCon:  Partner WOD: *One partner completes each chipper and switch chippers upon completion (must tag in) 400 M run 30 K2E 20 KB swings (70/53) 10 tire Flips ____________________ 10 2Burpee C2B (2 Burpees + 1 C2B) 20...
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