Partner MetCon: For Time Buy in: 75 burpees (both partners may work at once and split reps) Then.. 20 Rounds of (alternating rounds- partner must complete full round) 5 STO (95/65) 5 SDHP (95/65) Cash Out: 75 Burpees (both partners may work at once and split reps)Read More
STRENGTH: (18 minutes) Establish 7RM Front Squat MetCon: 9 min Cut Off 30 Cal Row 60 WB (20/14) AMRAP Power Snatch (115/75) *score = power snatchRead More
STRENGTH: (18 minutes) Split Jerk from Back Rack 5-5-5-5 @ 60 % 3-3-3-3 @ 80 % MetCon: For Time 21 Pull Ups 21 HSPU 800 m run 15 Pull Ups 15 HSPU 800 m Run 9 Pull Ups 9 HSPURead More
STRENGTH: (20 minutes) 10 minutes Establish 3RM TnG Clean Then…@ 10 minutes 10 minutes Establish Complex 1 push press + 1 push jerk *complex should be pulled from floor. Post total weight for clean + press complex MetCon: 10-20-30-40 KBS (53/35) 40-30-20-10 ab mat sit upsRead More
Partner Metcon 1: 1 min AMRAP Partner Burpee WB (20/14) Rest 2 minutes *repeat 3 times. Partner MetCon 2: For Time: 50 cal row 40 STO (135/95) 30 C2B Pull Ups 800 m run (sand bag Rx plus) 30 C2B pull ups 40 STO (135/95) 50 over the box box jump (30/24) *you go I...Read More
STRENGTH/Skill: TABATA Hollow Hold Arch Body Good Morning (75/55) Mountain Climbers MetCon: 6RFT 6 KB snatch R arm (53/35) 6 KB Snatch L arm 6 Burpees (to 45 lb bumper) 24 DU (3:1) *KB snatch to be performed from hang and not floor. Complete 6 before switching arms.Read More