MetCon: Partner “filthy fifty” 100 box jumps (24/20) 100 jumping pull ups 100 KBS (53rx+/35/26) 100 walking lunge 100 K2E 100 push press (45/33) 100 back extensions (45/33) 100 WB (20/14) 100 Burpees 100 DU *split reps as needed. One partner works while the other will restRead More
STRENGTH: (15 minutes) 1 power snatch + 2 OHS @ 60 % of power snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1 MetCon: For Time: Buy In: 1000m row 2 Rounds of 400m run 30 push ups 15 power snatch (95/65)Read More
STRENGTH: (14 min) Back Squat 5×2 @ 85 % *last day before 1RM back squat next week MetCon: 15 min EMOM 5 DL (225/155) 10 air squats 15 sit ups *scale reps and weight as needed to complete reps within minuteRead More
MetCon 1: (10 minutes) Even minute: low plank hold Odd minute: 200 m run MetCon: For Time 150 WB (20/14) * athlete must complete 10 burpees after every 15 repsRead More
STRENGTH: (20 minutes) Rope Climb Technique MetCon: 4 min AMRAP 15 KBS (53/35) 1 wall walk Rest 2 minutes 4 min AMRAP 15 KBS (53/35) 5 box jumps (30/24)Read More