STRENGTH/SKILL: (20 minutes) 10 minutes Hand Stand Walk/Hold or progression 10 minutes Rope Climb Technique MetCon: For Time 9-15-21 T2B Power Snatch (95/65)Read More
STRENGTH: (21 min) OHS E3MOM 7×2 @ 70 % *work on technique MetCon: 16 min AMRAP ME WB (20/14) 300 m run *Score is total WB. Attempt to get to the WB 4x.Read More
Partner MetCon: 8RFT 21 Wall Balls (20/14) 15 K2E 9 SDHP (135/95) 200 m WB run (heavier of the two) *split reps as needed. All reps must be completed before moving to next movement. Run must be completed together but only one member must be holding WB.Read More
STRENGTH: (20 minutes) Snatch Technique 4-4-4 @ 60 % 3-3-3 @ 70 % 1-1-1 @ 80 *scale % accordingly to work on technique > load MetCon: 9 Min AMRAP 9 Front Squats (75/55) 9 burpees over the barbellRead More
STRENGTH: (20 Minutes) Back Squat 5-5 @ 70 % 3-3 @ 80 % 1-1-1-1 @ 90-95% MetCon: For Time 150 DU (2:1) 150 ab mat sit ups 15 STO (185/135) *athelte may split work as needed (for example 3 rounds: 50, 50, 5) or complete as chipperRead More
STRENGTH: For Time with Partner 100 KBS (53/35) *when you or partner breaks complete 5 burpees each before returning to KBS MetCon: 3RFT 200 M sprint 15 DL (155/105) 9 HPC (155/105Read More