CrossFit OwnIt – OwnIt at Home Metcon Metcon (Time) Sunday wod: Complete for QUALITY: 2 rounds 10 Pause Overhead Squats 10 Pressing Snatch Balance 10 Heaving Snatch Balance 10 Snatch Balance 10 Snatch (full squat)Use a PVC, broomstick, or dowel. If you have access to a barbell you can use it, but do not add...Read More
CrossFit OwnIt – OwnIt at Home Metcon Metcon (Time) Saturday workout: “Blackjack” 20-19-18-…3-2-1 Lunges 1-2-3-…18-19-20 Sit-ups Each round adds up to 21. For example the first round is 20 lunges + 1 sit-ups. Lunges will decrease by 1 each round and sit-ups will increase by 1 each round until you reach 20 lunges + 1...Read More
CrossFit OwnIt – OwnIt at Home Metcon Metcon (Time) Friday wod: 7 rounds for time: 100 meter sprint* 10 hand-release push-ups (scale: knee hand-release pu) *Sprints should take less than 30 seconds each. Make sure you sprint! Metcon Metcon (Time) Then, 7 rounds for quality: 30 seconds dead bugs 30 seconds glute bridgesRead More
CrossFit OwnIt – OwnIt at Home Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Thursday wod: 15 minutes for quality: 10 Turkish Get-ups, alternating 10 One-arm Overhead Squats, left 10 One-arm Overhead Squats, right 20 Russian twistsFind a weight you can hold in one hand for the TGU and OHS. A DB, KB, weight plate, water...Read More
CrossFit OwnIt – OwnIt at Home Metcon Metcon (Time) Tuesday wod: Hero WOD: “Michael” 3 rounds for time: 800m Run 50 Good mornings or RDL* 50 Sit-ups *The original workout calls for GHD Hip Extensions. Use light weight on the GM/RDL, for example a filled backpack or empty barbell. Feet are unanchored on sit-ups. Use...Read More
CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (Time) Sunday wod: Complete for QUALITY: 25 Overhead squats 25 Snatch (full squat) 25 Clean (full squat) 25 Split Jerk Use a PVC, broomstick, or dowel. If you have access to a barbell you can use it, but do not add weight. Then, walk, run, bike, or swim for...Read More
CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Wod for tomorrow: AMRAP 20 minutes: 50 Weighted step-ups 200 ft bear crawl 50 Dead bugs Then, accumulate 2 minutes in the bottom of the squat. For the weighted step-ups: find a sturdy box, step, or bench. Something just below knee height is ideal,...Read More
CrossFit OwnIt – CrossFit Metcon Metcon (Time) 3 rounds for time: 400m run (a route that takes 1:30 to 2:00) 21 bent over row* 15 straight leg deadlifts or good mornings (use your odd object, a broomstick, or a barbell if you have one) 9 V-ups (scale: tuck-ups) *Use any odd object you can find...Read More